Board-Certified Oncologist & Hematologist in Tacoma, WA
Specializing In
- Breast Cancer
- Hematology
- Oncology
“I am so proud of NWMS, so many working so hard to give great care to so many deserving people.”
Read Dr. Senecal’s Retirement Letter
Dr. Frank Senecal is a Hematologist and Oncologist with a clinical focus in breast cancer and general oncology.
He is currently the Director of Oncology for the Franciscan Healthcare System. He was formerly the Chief of Staff at St. Josephs and St. Francis hospitals. He was also the Medical Director of Hospice of Tacoma and Chairman of the Department of Medicine at St. Francis Hospital.
He is the founder of South Sound Care Foundation, a foundation that stives to bring groundbreaking clinical trials and cancer research to the South Sound region, and to provide residents with cancer treatment options that are unavailable.
To learn more:
Dr. Senecal enjoys being with his family and 6 grandchildren. He enjoys hiking, fishing, and climbing the great outdoors.
Dr. Senecal became a provider in Hematology and Oncology so that he might be able to use the best science with compassionate care for those who need him.
Medical School: M.D, Indiana University , Indianapolis, Indiana
B.S, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana
Undergraduate, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island
Residency: Residency Internship University of Washington Seattle, Wa
Resident in Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Wa
US. Public health
Chief Resident University of Washington Hospital System
Fellowship: Fellow, Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of Washington Hospital Systems
Fellow: Am. College Physicians
Board Certifications: Board certified Internal Medicine
Board Certified Hematology
Board Certified Oncology