Oncology Patient Education
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Your searched on: anemia
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
Discusses vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. Explains role of B12 in red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Covers symptoms and tests used to diagnose. Includes info on treatment with diet and medicines.
What is anemia? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells. Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Anemia is fairly common. It's often easily treated. Sometimes, though, it's serious. What causes it? Some common reasons why you might get anemia include: You...
Anemia During Pregnancy
Anemia means your red blood cell level is low. Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Anemia can happen when you're pregnant because your body is working hard to make more blood to help your baby grow. Anemia during a healthy pregnancy is common. Sometimes anemia during pregnancy can be...
Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD)
What is anemia of chronic disease? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells. Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Sometimes a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red blood cells. This is called anemia of chronic disease, or ACD. What...
Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease
What is anemia of chronic kidney disease? Anemia of chronic kidney disease means that kidney disease has caused your anemia. Your doctor will have ruled out other causes of anemia. Anemia means that you do not have enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to your body's tissues. If your...
Folate Deficiency Anemia
Discusses folate deficiency anemia. Discusses role that folate plays in making red blood cells. Covers symptoms and complications of anemia. Covers treatment with diet and daily supplement. Offers list of foods that provide folate.
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Covers iron deficiency anemia. Explains role of iron in making hemoglobin, part of red blood cells. Covers causes and symptoms. Includes info on tests used to diagnose anemia. Discusses foods that may help prevent anemia. Covers treatment with medicines.
Sickle Cell Disease: Preventing Problems and Staying Healthy
Here are some things you can do to help prevent problems when you or your child has sickle cell disease. Make and follow a plan for how to treat pain. Work with your doctor to make a plan that includes instructions on how to treat pain at home. Your...
Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle cell trait occurs when a person inherits a sickle cell gene from just one parent. People with sickle cell trait rarely have symptoms. But they can pass the sickle cell gene on to their children. Testing positive for sickle cell trait doesn't...
Sickle Cell Disease
Describes sickle cell disease. Covers causes and symptoms. Discusses how it is diagnosed. Covers treatment as the disease progresses, including with surgery or medicines like hydroxyurea. Offers home treatment tips.
Sickle Cell Crisis
A sickle cell crisis is a painful episode that may begin suddenly in a person who has sickle cell disease. A sickle cell crisis occurs when sickle-shaped red blood cells clump together and block small blood vessels that carry blood to certain organs, muscles, and bones. This causes mild to severe pain and other...
Sickle Cell Disorders
Some people inherit one sickle cell gene and one other defective hemoglobin gene. This can result in various types of sickling disorders. These disorders range from mild to severe. Sickle cell disorders include: Sickle cell disease (hemoglobin SS disease). This occurs when both genes produce hemoglobin S. Someone with...
Sickle Cell Disease: Aplastic Crisis
Aplastic crisis is a condition in which the bone marrow of someone with a condition such as sickle cell disease suddenly stops producing red blood cells. This causes sudden and severe anemia. The crisis is usually caused by an infection with parvovirus. This is the virus that causes fifth disease in children. Blood...
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Test
Discusses blood test to check the different types of hemoglobin in the blood. Covers how some diseases, such as sickle cell disease, aplastic anemia, and leukemia, have abnormal types of hemoglobin. Discusses possible test results.
Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel (AJGP)
The Ashkenazi Jewish genetic panel is a test to look for certain rare diseases. These diseases occur most often in people of Central and Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage. Most of these diseases can't be treated, and they can cause severe...
Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LDH) Test
Discusses test to help diagnose lung disease, lymphoma, anemia, liver disease, and also to see how well chemotherapy is working during treatment for lymphoma. Looks at possible results.
Vitamin B12 Test
A vitamin B12 test measures the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood. The body needs this B vitamin to make blood cells and to maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products such as meat, shellfish, milk, cheese, and eggs. Most people who eat animal products are not likely to develop vitamin...
Blood and Lymph System
Has links on complete blood count, sedimentation rate tests, and anemia. Also includes links to lymph topics such as swollen glands/other lumps under the skin and lymphedema.
Sickle Cell Test
A sickle cell test is a blood test done to check for sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disease that causes red blood cells to be deformed (sickle-shaped). The red blood cells deform because they...
Sickle Cell Disease: Pain Management
Pain is a problem for many people who have sickle cell disease. Bouts of severe pain can last for hours to days and are hard to treat. A pain management plan can help you cope with chronic pain and with pain caused by a sickle cell crisis. Your...
Sickle Cell Disease: Splenic Sequestration
Splenic sequestration is a problem with the spleen that can happen in people who have sickle cell disease. It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the spleen. The spleen can enlarge, get damaged, and not work as it should....
Sickle Cell Disease: Vision Problems
People who have sickle cell disease can sometimes have vision problems. Blood cells that change shape, or "sickle," can get trapped in blood vessels, blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood vessels in the inner lining...
Stem Cell Transplant for Sickle Cell Disease
Stem cell transplant is a possible cure for sickle cell disease. It's usually considered only for children younger than 16 who have severe complications from the disease. Stem cells can be found in bone marrow. Bone marrow is the substance in the...
Blood Transfusions for Sickle Cell Disease
During a blood transfusion, a person (the recipient) receives healthy blood from another person (the donor). The donated blood is carefully screened for diseases before it is used. Before receiving a blood transfusion, the recipient's blood is...
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant
A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come from another person. When they come from you, it's called an autologous stem cell transplant. Most stem cells are in your bone marrow. You also have some in your blood that circulate from your bone marrow...
Intrauterine Fetal Blood Transfusion
An intrauterine transfusion provides blood to an Rh-positive fetus when fetal red blood cells are being destroyed by the Rh-sensitized mother's immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the fetus healthy until the baby is mature enough to be delivered. Transfusions can be given through the fetal abdomen or, more...