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COVID-19 Information



If you are scheduled to see us soon, please call and notify us if:

  • You are experiencing Cold or Flu like symptoms
  • You’ve been exposed to someone with Covid
  • If you’ve tested positive for Covid in the last 20 days


If you are moderately or severely immunocompromised (have a weakened immune system), you are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness. Treatments are available that can reduce the severity of symptoms. Treatment must be started within days of when you first develop symptoms to be effective. Contact a healthcare provider right away to determine if you are eligible for treatment, even if symptoms are mild.


Visitor Policy: 

We strive to protect our patients and staff as much as we possibly can from any exposure on our premises. NWMS has implemented a Designated Visitor Policy that allows patients to have a single, designated visitor to accompany them to appointments with the provider:

  • Patients may designate a family member, friend, or companion as their visitor.
  • Patients may only have one designated visitor. However, a patient may change their designated visitor if necessary.
  • Designated visitor status may be revoked if the visitor disregards NWMS policies which includes masking protocols, clinic etiquette, etc.
  • All visitors must be 18 years of age or older.


A designated visitor may accompany patients to infusion appointments if the patient:

  • Is starting treatment for the first time
  • Cannot ambulate/transfer without assistance.
  • Has cognitive or communication barriers that require someone to explain or translate to them.
  • Requires specialized equipment during treatment.


The patient and their designated visitor must still abide by the NWMS masking policy to wear an NWMS provided mask over their mouth and nose during their time on our premises. This is to protect our vulnerable patients from the unforeseen possibility of exposure to COVID-19 which can be transmitted through aerosol droplets. It is also important to note that Designated Visitor status may be revoked if the visitor disregards NWMS policies which include masking protocols, clinic etiquette, etc.

In alignment with CDC and DOH recommendations, Northwest Medical Specialties will continue to require masking in all clinical areas.

What does this mean for me, my designated visitor and staff at NWMS:


If I am a patient or a designated visitor where do I need to wear a mask?

Masks will be required for patients and designated visitors in all clinical settings. This means all exam room hallways, exam and procedure rooms, infusion rooms, and laboratory, etc. There will be signage around the clinics indicating our required masking zones.

Where will staff be required to mask?

Masks will be required while in direct contact with patients. You may see staff taking off their mask when at their desk, office spaces, break rooms, etc.


Where are masks optional?

Masks will be optional in non clinical areas such as the lobby, common space hallways, etc.


As a patient or designated visitor can I wear my own masks in the clinic?

Patients and designated visitors will be provided an NWMS approved mask upon check in at all NWMS clinics.

If I am having any cold or flu like symptoms will I still have the option to wear a mask in the designated areas?

No. If you are experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms, you will be required to wear a mask at all times while in our clinics. Please call our office at 253-428-8700 if you are experiencing any symptoms.

We will continue to offer a virtual option for additional family, friends, and companions to participate in the care of our patients through Zoom. Our staff will assist you with every step of the login process and invite you to participate in real time from your vehicle or designated safe space in our building. Please contact us at 253-428-8700 to set this up.




Updated Bivalent Boosters are now widely available at most major pharmacies with walk-in appointments. Visit to locate a pharmacy near you.

CDC recommends everyone ages 5 years and older get an updated (Bivalent) COVID-19 booster to help restore protection that has decreased since your last vaccine.

  • One updated booster dose is recommended for all people ages 5 years and older, regardless of whether or not they are immunocompromised.
  • People who have gotten more than one original (monovalent) booster are also recommended to get an updated (bivalent) boosterIf you are moderately or severely immunocompromised  (have a weakened immune system), you are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness and death. Additionally, your immune response to COVID-19 vaccination may not be as strong as in people who are not immunocompromised.
    As with vaccines for other diseases, you are protected best when you stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines
  • Use CDC’s COVID-19 booster tool  to learn if and when you can get boosters to stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines.



Additional COVID-19 Resources:

The Latest information on Covid-19

What to do if you test positive for Covid-19 – Please note special instructions for immunocompromised individuals on page 4 -Free Home Tests delivered quickly

About Covid-19 Vaccines

Covid-19 Treatments

Care Connect Washington-Food, financial assistant, and other local resources while in isolation


This website can help you find a vaccine providers in WA state:

If you received your vaccine already, its important that you let your provider know. Please also bring a copy of your vaccination card with you to your appointment.


If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, please make sure to contact us via phone prior to your appointment. You may also contact us for any additional questions by calling our office at (253) 428-8700.